Gorgeous mummy Adaeze Yobo stepped out with her footballer husband
Joseph Yobo to celebrate her 25th birthday last night. The former beauty
queen who recently gave birth to her second child looked vibrant in a
patterned red short dress. She also shared a prayer with her fans to
mark the special occasion.
"Guess who's 25 today, meeee. I can't turn up. #ineedtobreastfeed. Oh! Lord! Thank you for this beautiful life you have given me, thank you for my family and friends, thank you for peace, joy unspeakable, thank you for making me a blessing to my world.

I wouldt trade you for silver or gold for riches untold. the life that I live is not mine, for me to live is christ and you brought me into this world for a purpose so today lord, I ask that you use me like never before to the glory of your name.

The Yobo's have been none stop celebrating as their eldest son Joey also turned 5 over the weekend.
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