Friday, April 3, 2015

Let’s Mix “N” Match

 Mix “N” Match
What better way to express your deep sense for fashion than to mix “n” match your patterns and prints?
This is a fashion forward trend and most ladies have embraced it already. I could start listing all the rules you need to follow when mixing and matching, but then that would get boring and take away the fun from it.
However, here are 3 things to keep in mind when mixing;

1. Match colours not prints: If the colours go well together, the patterns would most likely look good together too.
2. The simpler and more graphic the prints are, the easier they are to match. For example, black and white strips go with most things; the same applies to gingham prints and houndstooth. They are easier to mix with floral and animal prints.
3. You can always include a neutral to calm your outfit dowm if you think it looks too busy.
Most importantly ladies, be comfortable and feel good in what you are wearing. We should all have mirrors, if it looks good to you… rock it with confidence.
Let these kamdolls inspire you;
Look 2: Maureen
Look 2: Maureen
Look 3: Clarice
Look 3: Clarice
Look 4: Kefiwe Mabote
Look 4: Kefiwe Mabote
Look 5: @plymich
Look 5: @plymich

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