Monday, May 18, 2015

How To’s: Rocking The Hijab With Gowns

Hijab And Gowns

The Hijab as we all know is a symbol of modesty and respect and is worn by Muslim kamdolls. When well glammed up, the hijab can work as a very fashionable piece. It comes in different colours and fabrics and this allows it work to suit each individual kamdoll’s taste and style preference.
See how these kamdolls dress up their lovely gowns and dresses with their Hijab.

Look 1: basma_k 5
Look 1: Basma_k 
Look 2: hulyaslan
Look 2: Hulya Aslan
Look 3: jaserah
Look 3: Jaserah
Look 4: mfasadullah
Look 4: Maryam
Look 5: sagaleeyaa
Look 5: Sagal
Hijab And Gowns
Which look would you rock?

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